There will be blood. Hetherington’s work displays U.S. soldiers in Korangal Valley, which was considered one of the most fiercely contested areas of the war in Afghanistan. This essay will focus on Hetherington’s series “Sleeping Soldiers”, which he photographed while staying in outposts in the Korangal Valley.
Abstract of the Essay „Realism & Photojournalism
There will be light. Broomberg & Chanarin recorded the project “The Day Nobody Died”, which captured the reality at the front line of Helmand Province, Afghanistan, in a particular and unique way. It turned out that the month Broomberg & Chanarin stayed in Helmand Province would have been the deadliest of the war. Broomberg & Chanarin1 “approached the Ministry of Defence and lied to them, claiming [they] were photojournalists” (Tate 2015).
How Berthold Brecht’s quote on realism is interpreted in Tim Hetherington’s war photography and Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin’s exploration of war.„